State of Insurance 2025
Agent SurveyYour feedback matters! Give your assessment of the insurance industry from the trenches. What works? What needs improvement? Best practices? Effective tools and software? Let your voice be heard. This survey is open to active agents and agency owners predominantly offering Medicare or major medical health insurance. Once verified, survey is sent and answered anonymously.
Our desired outcomes from this survey.We hope to:
• Gather agent feedback with enough sample size to be significantly relevant to the industry at large
• Determine industry trends
• Influence industry direction for the benefit of independent agents and clients
How we are implementing:
• Distribute survey links to independent agents and agency owners
• Provide full survey results to participants with high-level analysis
• Offer analysis and reports to carriers, law makers, or other industry partners to better align decisions with agent needs
Can you spell "warrant"?Your PII is not for sale. We want a better industry for our own agency, too. We aren't looking to become a data broker...those should be shut down (IMHO).When you request a survey link, you provide your name, email, phone number, and NPN. This information is used to arrange a call with Luke and verify you are an active agent. Your name and email is then used to send/receive any surveys or results.Survey links are only sent to verified agents, but the survey themselves are taken anonymously. To ensure honest feedback, surveys do not ask for personally identifiable information (PII).In full transparency, we hope to add agents' voices to more discussions in the health insurance industry. Industry partners or law makers could ask for more in-depth information from our survey takers. If a request like that does happen, we would send out a single email to you with information on how to participate (should you wish) with the organization or law maker's office directly. We will not disclose a single piece of PII without a warrant or court order.
© 2025 agentsurvey.netThis survey was created by Luke Griggs @ Redline Health, an active agent and agency principal in Northwest Arkansas.Illustrations for this site were created with Storyset